Presentation Hack: Turn Your Company Website into Stunning Presentation

by | Dec 30, 2019

PowerPoint Pro Moves S3E1

If you’re looking for a creative way to promote your company, idea, or organization in a formal presentation, here’s a tip: use your website! No, we don’t mean awkwardly hunch over and mouse through your website during a high-stakes boardroom pitch; We’re talking about parlaying all the hard work you’ve already put into the design of your site and converting it into a polished presentation tool (and without harming any graphic designers in the process). In this video, we’ll show you how.

Stick around and you’ll pick up a fresh presentation design approach AND a boatload of workflow “pro moves”, including (but not limited to):

  1. A sneak peek at the finished product (shown within the first three minutes).
  2. A power user keyboard screen snip shortcut for PC users (spoiler alert: WINDOWS key + SHIFT + S)
  3. Simple (but really cool) ways to create a Parallax animation that mimics a website scrolling effect
  4. Too many shortcut tips to count (toggling between open programs, copy/paste, resizing and moving objects without leaving the keyboard, relayering objects, etc.)