Experience one of our professional development workshops and take your game to the next level.

  • MeetingMastery is a two-day immersion that experientially explores how to create and conduct highly engaging meetings, presentations, and training/facilitation events.

  • Engagement is the feeling of being involved and included in an activity, process, or relationship—and data shows that the more engaged people become, the greater the chances are of achieving the desired outcomes.

    • Identify common meeting tensions that exist regardless of the audience, topic, or setting

    • Learn how to turn those tensions into opportunities

    • Capitalize on the neuroscience of how adults learn

    • Understand how to flex your leadership style towards that of your participants

    • Improve personal verbal and non-verbal communication

    • Increase knowledge retention through purposefully designed content

    • Curate a personalized action plan through intentional practice opportunities

  • Becoming an effective meeting leader—a rare thing today—begins with the humble question, “How can I best serve my PARTICIPANTS?” PreMeetingMastery, the precursor to our flagship MeetingMastery workshop, exposes the keys to leading great meetings in any setting: mitigating tension and maximizing engagement.

  • Humans learn best by doing, yet most adult learning environments don’t require us to DO much of anything (other than listen). The more active and involved we can get our meeting participants, the more likely we are to make the learning “stick.”

    • Become aware of the five “tensions” that exist within most meeting contexts

    • Learn strategies to mitigate each of the five meeting tensions

    • Discover the “why” behind maximizing participant engagement

  • MeetingMasteryToo is a one-day follow-up experience to MeetingMastery that reinforces what participants learned in the first course and offers additional opportunities to refine their presentation skills through group practice.

  • By offering another opportunity to put learned skills into practice in a positive, structured environment, key behaviors are reinforced and become a more natural part of a participant’s professional repertoire.

    • Own every aspect of the learning environment

    • Design content around how brains receive and retain information

    • Understand the importance of repetition and reinforcement

    • Perfect practice with expert coaching and feedback

  • In workplaces dominated by virtual meetings, it’s never been harder to keep participants actively engaged to achieve our desired outcomes. MasteringVirtualMeetings gives virtual meeting leaders tools to clarify objectives, save time, heighten engagement, and deliver clear action items effectively.

  • Just because a meeting is virtual doesn’t mean you must sacrifice participation and engagement. We’ll expose you to tips, tricks, and tools a meeting leader can use to create and execute high-impact virtual sessions with any audience.

    • Become familiar with virtual meeting best practices

    • Learn how to create a polished and prepared virtual environment

    • Discover effective pre- and post-meeting communication cadences to ensure the right participants attend, arrive prepared, and leave with clear action steps

    • Gain confidence in presenting compelling content

  • ProWorkplaceEtiquette is a full-day, live workshop that equips participants with workplace best practices to help elevate their professional game.

  • Given the fact that most of us spend 40-50 (or more) hours every week at work, it’s important to occasionally stop and reflect on our performance. ProWorkplaceEtiquette is the perfect opportunity to enhance soft skills and business etiquette. Our training covers the skills employees and business leaders need to be successful and for your company to prosper.

    • Become aware of how your personality and behavioral style impacts others

    • Learn how to adjust your approach for more successful interactions with people whose styles differ from yours

    • Understand the perspectives of the different generations in your workplace

    • Write emails that are succinct, effective, and display a more professional style

    • Communicate more clearly and impactfully when talking face to face with clients, peers, bosses, and those you supervise

  • PowerPointProMoves is a full-day workshop for anyone looking to learn foundational PowerPoint skills, useful shortcuts and hacks, and general design principles that will help turn them into a “Power” PowerPoint user.

  • Have you ever struggled to create a compelling visual presentation? Are you tired of using generic templates and bland visuals? Do you want to learn how to create slides like a pro? Then this workshop is for you! With the perfect mix of practical tips, design theory, hands-on practice, and one-on-one coaching, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to design presentations like a seasoned expert.

    • Learn useful shortcuts to speed up the design process

    • Practice creating slide masters for rapid development

    • Explore basic design theory and how to source and insert high-quality images

    • Design, build, and present a slideshow

    • Curate a customized action plan for continued growth