
Communication Coaching

Unlock Your Potential

In the 2018 LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report, Executives identified soft-skills—written and verbal communication, interpersonal skills, and leadership—as their #1 priority for talent development. In a separate study, employers showed that communication skills top the list of what their company looks for in new hires when examining skill proficiency. Add to that, many jobs in the current workplace are becoming more automated, which means the currency of human-to-human communication is more valuable than ever.

If you’re looking to polish up your presentation skills, want to gain insight into key communication strategies that work, need help designing and delivering a keynote address, or just want to continue your soft-skills growth, we can help.

What you’ll get

  • A private consultation to help identify your most pressing communication needs
  • A customized, easy-to-follow action plan
  • One-on-one coaching and feedback
  • Ongoing support from our coaching faculty

Interested in starting a free private consultation? 

Fill out the form and a representative will contact you within 1-2 business days with more information.

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Check out our workshops

Learn how to create and conduct highly engaging meetings, presentations, and training/facilitation events.
A comprehensive workshop that explores best practices and helps participants navigate the professional work environment.
Explore useful shortcuts, hacks, and general design principles that will enhance your presentation’s visual impact.