
Pro Workplace Etiquette

What’s It All About

Pro Workplace Etiquette is a full-day, live workshop that equips participants with workplace best practices to help elevate their professional game.


Given the fact that most of us spend forty to fifty (or more) hours a week at work, it’s important to occasionally stop and reflect on our performance.

Pro Workplace Etiquette is the perfect opportunity to enhance soft skills and business etiquette knowledge. Our training covers the skills employees and business leaders require to be successful and for your company to prosper.

Key Outcomes

  • Become aware of how your personality and behavioral style impacts others
  • Learn how to adjust your approach for more successful interactions with people whose styles differ from yours
  • Understand the perspectives of the different generations in your workplace
  • Write emails that are succinct, effective, and display a more professional style
  • Communicate more clearly and impactfully when talking face to face with clients, peers, bosses, and those you supervise

Interested in learning more about this workshop?

Anyone can take Pro Workplace Etiquette and benefit. We especially recommend it to people who are relatively new to the professional workforce, and to those who supervise them.

Fill out the form and a representative will contact you within 1-2 business days with more information.

Group Pricing: Available upon request

Individual Pricing: $795

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Explore useful shortcuts, hacks, and general design principles that will enhance your presentation’s visual impact.
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